Cheuk Ting Ho
Developer Relations Lead
After spending 5 years researching theoretical physics at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Cheuk has transferred her analytical and logical skills in natural science and built a career in data science. Cheuk has been a Data Scientist in one of the biggest worldwide wholesalers in the travel business; an AWS partnered consultancy which delivers machine learning model; a startup aiming to revolutionise revenue management with data science and; a global bank using machine learning to investigating financial crime. Now Cheuk is working in a team of developers building a revolutionary graph database.
Cheuk constantly contributes to the community by giving AI and deep learning workshops and organize sprints for open source projects, at the same time contribute to open source projects including Pandas, Keras, Scikit-learn, Dateutil and maintaining her open-source library. Cheuk has also been a guest speaker at Universities and various conferences. Believing in gender equality, Cheuk is currently a co-organizer of AI Club for Gender Minorities to support Tech Diversity and Inclusion. On top of speaking at conferences, Cheuk has joined the organizing team of EuroPython and PyData Global. In 2021, Cheuk becomes a Python Software Foundation fellow for her work in the Python community.
Talks and Events
2022 Tutorial: Knowledge graph data modeling
By the end of the tutorial, you will be able to think like a knowledge graph expert and construct a proper schema to store your data in a knowledge graph format. You will acquire the skills that you need to build knowledge graphs in TerminusDB – an open-source graph database that enables revisional control and collaborations.
You will have learnt a new skill set that may assist you in your project in data science or research. You will have a new tool that you can better model your data and collaborate with others. Also, you gain all the prerequisites to use WOQL – a query language for knowledge graphs and the TerminusDB Python client to manage, manipulate and visualize data in your knowledge graph.