Filip Pattyn


Bioinformatics advisor and software product manager


Part of a great team at ONTOFORCE that tries to solve the issues of data integration and data linking with semantic web technologies and an outstanding user interface. Product manager of DISQOVER platform and constantly on the lookout for new developments in semantics and life sciences. Closely listening to the needs for finding the data you know it exists but hard to get or don’t know it exists. Supporter of open data and the FAIR data (Findable Accessible Interoperable Re-usable) principles and the importance of sustainability and business models to keep these going. Experience with wet lab and dry lab human genetics and genomics: bioinformatics, biostatistics, cancer research, ChIP-seq, next-generation sequencing, real time quantitative PCR, primer design, microarrays, miRNAs, text mining, biostatistics.

Talks and Events

2022 Workshop: KGC Healthcare and Life Sciences Symposium

We seek original contributions describing theoretical and practical methods and techniques for building and maintaining health knowledge graphs for the healthcare and life sciences domain. The symposium will cover topics around data integration, data profiling, data curation, querying, knowledge discovery, ontology mapping, matching, reconciliation, machine learning approaches, and applications. We will have several invited speakers who are thought leaders in the healthcare and life sciences space. Furthermore, we plan to have a panel discussion comprising experts from industry, government, and academia. In summary, the primary objectives of this symposium will be to provide a platform to discuss:

  • Characterisation of healthcare and life sciences knowledge graphs
  • Opportunities for the application of knowledge graphs in healthcare and life sciences
  • Challenges of creating and maintaining such knowledge graphs
  • Opportunities for knowledge graph research in this space